Bullying Prevention 2024-2025

Tiger Jeet Singh Public School, along with all schools in the #HDSB, is committed to taking immediate and proactive action to prevent and address all incidents of bullying to create safe, inclusive and welcoming environments for all students. Our Bullying Response Protocol guides us to address every incident of bullying quickly and with care. Through our online reporting tool, students and families can confidentially report bullying. Visit the HDSB website to learn more about the Bullying Response Protocol, access the online reporting tool and explore resources for families to support bullying prevention. Together, we can create a safe school environment for all. Learn more: https://bit.ly/4fHook2 

Bullying Prevention/Well-Being Team at Tiger Jeet Singh PS 2024-2025

Principal/Vice Principal:  Janet Reesor (P), James Johnston (VP), Kelly Shepherd/Kim Phillips (VP short term)

Teaching Staff: N. May, A. McMillan, J. Wood, M. Catalfamo

Non-Teaching Staff:  K. Tank

Parent Member:  S. Azim

Students: A.B., A.K., AR.S., B.S., E.R., J.A., J.H., K.A., K.P., L.A., M.S., N.F., S.E., S.K., T.R., Z.I.

Reflecting on Data:  (Have Your Say Data for 2023-2024)

80% of our students said they have not experienced physical bullying and 86% indicate that they have not experienced cyber bullying.  However, 48% of our students indicate that they have experienced verbal bullying and 41% indicate that they have experienced social bullying at some point in the past year.  These types of bullying are difficult to observe as they are often experienced during personal conversations in hallways, at recess, and other times adults may not be within hearing distance.  

Our Goals:

By June 2025 there will be a 5% decrease in the percentage of students who experience verbal or social bullying at school and by June 2026 there will be a 10% decrease overall.

How will we reach our goals?:

How Will We Measure Our Change?

How Do We Respond to Bullying?

An integral part of the process is communication with both the victim’s and the perpetrator’s families.  A school support team using the Circle of Support model will ensure that parents and students know what happened; how it is being dealt with; and how these actions impact not only the individuals, but their families and school community/classmates.

Ways in which we learn; communicate our learning; implement plans to support students in order to prevent bullying or respond to it; and monitor/assess our success related to our goals:




This plan has been shared with staff and parents via: